Isn’t it frustrating when a bag of chips looks really full, but when you open it… it’s mostly air?! A new study looked at 14 different types of chips and similar snacks to find out which brand has the best chip-to-air ratio. Overall, the average bag of chips is 43% air.
-Fritos, 19% air
-Pringles, 28%
-Tostitos, 34%
-Baked Lays, 39%
-Sun Chips, 41%
-(Regular) Lays, 41%
-Popchips, 45%
-Kettle Brand chips, 47%
-Doritos, 48%
-Terra chips, 49%
-Stacy’s Pita Chips, 50%
-Ruffles, also 50%
-In last place, CHEETOS with 59% air. (Photo: Metro)