Signs You Could Live to Be 100

Here are eight signs YOU could make it to 100 and even beyond…
1. You’re still relatively young. Medical treatments are getting better and better. So the average 20-year-old is twice as likely to reach 100 as their parents are.
2. You have relatives who lived into their 90’s. About one third of reaching 100 years old has to do with genetics.
3. You’re a woman. (Sorry guys!) 19 of the 20 oldest people on record were women.
4. You’re optimistic. Most people who made it to 100, said they think of themselves as positive people.
5. You’re right-handed. Unfortunately, left-handed people don’t live as long because living in a right-handed world makes southpaws more prone to accidents.
6. You’re at a healthy weight. People who make it to 100 are almost never obese.
7. You’re not extremely tall. People who hit the 100-year mark tend to be shorter.
8. You don’t live in the middle of a big city. Several studies have found that living to 100 is about twice as common in rural areas. (Photo: nitelifeexchange)