Some people MIGHT put these foods in the fridge, but you probably shouldn’t. Here’s why:
1. Tomatoes, bananas, and avocados. The refrigerator does keep them from going bad, but it also prevents them from ripening, which kills the flavor. Keep them at room temperature instead.
2. Potatoes. The starch starts turning into sugar when they’re in the fridge.
3. Bread. It actually gets moldy and stale FASTER in the fridge.
4. Olive and vegetable oil. Fridge temperatures can make these oils thicker than need be; therefore, harder to cook with.
5. Coffee. It will lose some of it’s flavour in the fridge and will slowly absorb the smells of other things in there, so it won’t taste right.
6. Melons. Keeping whole melons at room temperature preserves the antioxidants better, but once you cut up the fruit, keep it in the fridge.