This could come in pretty handy with the colder weather upon us. A former NASA engineer did a bunch of tests and figured out four fast ways to defrost the windows in your vehicle.
1) Turn your heater up all the way. Hot air can hold more moisture than cold air, and that’s why blasting your windshield with hot air works better.
2) Turn your A/C on (Really?!) Air conditioners pull moisture out of the air, which is key.
3) Make sure your air circulation setting is OFF. When it’s on, it only recirculates air that’s already inside your car.
4) Crack your windows for a few seconds (Again, really?! In this cold weather) Opening the windows helps to get the humid air out, and the dry air in.
The engineer also found that you can prevent your windows from fogging up in the first place by wiping down the inside with shaving cream.